2nd half 意味

  • =<→SECOND half>


  1. shohoku has been leading once in the 2nd half
  2. shohoku has been leading once in the 2nd half


        2nd:     2nd {略} : second 第2の、2番目{ばんめ}の
        2nd choice:    第2希望{きぼう}の
        2nd floor:    =
        2nd in rank:    2nd in rank 乙 きのと
        2nd quarter:    第2四半期{しはんき}◆【略】2Q
        beethoven's 2nd:    {映画} : ベートーベン2◆米1993《監督》ロッド?ダニエル《出演》チャールズ?グローディン、ボニー?ハント
        day 2nd:    2日目、二日目
        end 2nd:    《野球》2回裏
        in 2nd grade:    《in (the) second [2nd] grade》2年生で
        top 2nd:    《野球》2回表
        2nd adhesive face:    2nd adhesive face 第2粘着面[その他]〈92Z0109:粘着テープ?粘着シート用語〉
        2nd base umpire:    《野球》二塁審判{にるい しんぱん}
        2nd floor in the basement:    地下{ちか}2階
        2nd wall section attachment:    2nd wall section attachment 第2ウォールセクション接続機構[電情]
        2nd world war:    第二次世界大戦◆【略】WW2; WWII


  1. "2nd adhesive face" 意味
  2. "2nd base umpire" 意味
  3. "2nd choice" 意味
  4. "2nd floor" 意味
  5. "2nd floor in the basement" 意味
  6. "2nd in rank" 意味
  7. "2nd quarter" 意味
  8. "2nd wall section attachment" 意味
  9. "2nd world war" 意味
  10. "2nd floor" 意味
  11. "2nd floor in the basement" 意味
  12. "2nd in rank" 意味
  13. "2nd quarter" 意味

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